Our 13th Annual Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk-DFW was on November 4, 2023! Thank You to all the Team Captains and your awesome Teams who were able to join us Saturday morning for a great time!! We have raised 90% of our FUNdraising goal so we’re almost there! Only $6,000 left to get to $60,000!

To achieve our goal, from November 10 until November 24th at 11:59PM, TEXCEN is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win HALF, yes 50%, seriously 1/2 of the donations made during this raffle. Buy your chance today by going to the TEXCEN Raffle Donation site. Once you’ve snatched up however many entries you want, increase the winnings you could be bringing home by spreading the word to everyone you know. Share through social media, email & text.